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2023-03-03 21:42  




E-mail: wangqiang113@gmail.com


汪强,天津师范大学心理学部教授(2019-2021讲师;2022至今教授:绿色通道破格),硕士生导师,担任心理学部脑功能成像中心副主任,天津市西青区青年联合会委员,北京脑科学与类脑研究中心访问学者,获批天津市特聘教授青年学者(2020年省部级人才称号)、天津市高校青年后备人才等荣誉称号,已是中国心理学会国际学术交流工作委员会委员、神经心理学专业委员会委员、中国认知科学学会社会认知分会理事,先后主持国自然、教育部、天津市哲学社科和海外人才引进项目,是科技部“2030-脑科学与类脑研究”儿童脑发育国家重大项目的核心骨干,黄大年式教师团队核心成员,天津市课程思政教学名师。同时担任国自然通讯评审专家、入选国家级人才评审专家库、教育部全国本科毕业论文评审专家和多个神经科学领域核心杂志的审稿人,主要采用脑成像技术(如fMRItDCS/TMSiEEG等),系统探讨1)决策的神经表征机制;2)记忆的神经机制;3)人格的神经基础。以第一或通讯作者在JN, CC, NI, HBM, BSF, DA, IJCHP等期刊上发表文章二十多篇。


2022-至今 天津师范大学心理学部(绿色通道破格) 教授

2019-2021 天津师范大学心理学部 讲师,硕士生导师 (学硕:基础心理学;专硕:脑认知与人工智能)

2022-2023 北京类脑研究所 访问学者

2016-2019 新加坡国立大学生物医学工程系 博士后

2011-2011 中国科学技术大学生科院 访问学者


2012-2016 北京师范大学国家重点实验室 理学博士

2005-2012 安徽师范大学本硕 教育学硕士


1) 国家自然科学青年项目:基于表征相似性构建决策冲动性脑网络及其静动态规律(2021~2023),主持;

2) 教育部人文社科青年项目:家庭养育质量影响跨期决策的神经机制研究(2020~2022),主持;

3) 天津市哲学社科规划项目:担心得了新冠肺炎怎么办?主持,已结题;

4) 天津师范大学海外引进人才基金项目:跨期决策的脑网络机制及其干预研究(2019~2022),主持;

5) 天津市特聘教授青年学者项目(2021-2025),主持;

6) 科技部2030-脑计划:中国学龄儿童脑智发育队列建设-天津师范大学子队列(2022-2025),以项目骨干成员参与;

7) 横向课题(国家级):提高人工作记忆功能的个体化磁刺激神经影像采集实验研究(2021-2023),核心参与;


1) 大学生创新创业训练计划项目(国家级:1人次;校级:2人次)

2) “互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛(校级三等奖4人次)

3) 校级研究生科研创新项目重点(1项)

4) 全国心理学大会和专委会报告(5人次)

5) 入选天津市高校课程思政示范课程

6) 国家奖学金(1人次)

7) 国家励志奖学金(1人次)

8) 指导的研究生获优秀硕士毕业论文(2023


1) K Deng(研究生), W Jin, K Jiang, Z Li, H Im, S Chen, H Du, S Guan, W Ge, C Wei, B Zhang, P Wang, G Zhao, C Chen, L Liu, Q Wang* (2023). Reactivity of the ventromedial prefrontal cortex, but not the amygdala, to negative emotion faces predicts greed personality trait. Behavioral and Brain Functions, 19(21).(中科院二区)

2) W Zhu(研究生), X Chen, J Wu, H Im, S Chen, K Deng, B Zhang, C Wei, J Feng, M Zhang, S Yang, H Wang, Q Wang* (2023). Neuroanatomical and functional substrates of the hypomanic personality trait and its prediction on aggression. International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology, 23(4),100397.(中科院一区TOP

3) P Wang(博士生), S Chen, K Deng, B Zhang, H Im, J Feng, L Liu, Q Yang, G Zhao, Q He, C Chen, H Wang, Q Wang* (2023). Distributed attribute representation in the superior parietal lobe during probabilistic decision-making. Human Brain Mapping, 44, 5693-5711.(中科院二区TOP

4) P Wang(博士生), H Zhang, K Deng, S Chen, H Im, W Zhu, S Yang, S Wei, H Wang, Q Wang* (2023). Neurobiological substrates of the dread of future losses. Cerebral Cortex, 33(9):5323-5335.(中科院二区TOP

5) S Wei(本科生), W Jin, W Zhu, S Chen, J Feng, P Wang, H Im, K Deng, B Zhang, M Zhang, S Yang, M Peng, Q Wang* (2023). Greed personality trait links to negative psychopathology and underlying neural substrates. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 18(1), nsac046.(中科院二区)

6) W Jin, J Feng, W Zhu, B Zhang, S Chen, S Wei, P Wang, K Deng, Y Wang, M Zhang, S Yang, H Im, Q Wang* (2022). The medial temporal lobe structure and function support positive affect. Neuropsychologia, 176, 108373.(中科院三区)

7) P Wang(博士生), J Feng, Y Wang, W Zhu, S Wei, H Im, Q Wang* (2021). Sex-specific static and dynamic functional networks of sub-divisions of striatum linking to the greed personality trait. Neuropsychologia 163, 108066.(中科院三区)

8) Q Wang, Y Wang, P Wang, M Peng, M Zhang, Y Zhu, S Wei, C Chen, X Chen, S Luo, X Bai (2021). Neural representations of the amount and the delay time of reward in intertemporal decision making. Human Brain Mapping, 42(11), 3450-3469.(中科院二区TOP

9) Q Wang, Y Zhu, Y Wang, C Chen, Q He, G Xue (2021). Intrinsic non-hub connectivity predicts human inter-temporal decision-making. Brain Imaging and Behavior, 15, 2005-2016. (中科院二区)

10) Q Wang, S Wei, H Im, M Zhang, P Wang, Y Zhu, Y Wang, X Bai (2021). Neuroanatomical and functional substrates of the greed personality trait. Brain Structure and Function, 226,1269-1280.(中科院三区TOP

11) C Lv#, Q Wang#, C Chen, G Xue, Q He (2021). Activation patterns of the dorsal medial prefrontal cortex and frontal pole predict individual differences in decision impulsivity. Brain Imaging and Behavior, 15, 421-429.(中科院三区TOP

12) Q Wang, C Lv, Q He, G Xue (2020). Dissociable fronto-striatal functional networks predict choice impulsivity. Brain Structure and Function, 225,2377-2386. (中科院二区TOP

13) Q Wang, H Zhang, JS Poh, D Pecheva, B Broekman, YS Chong, LP Shek, P Gluckman, M Foriter, M Heaney, Q Qiu (2020). Sex-dependent associations among maternal depressive symptoms, child reward network, and behaviours in early childhood. Cerebral Cortex, 30, 901-912. (中科院一区TOP

14) C Lv#, Q Wang#, C Chen, J Qiu, G Xue, Q He (2019). The regional homogeneity patterns of the dorsal medial prefrontal cortex predict individual differences in decision impulsivity. NeuroImage, 200. (中科院一区TOP

15) Q Wang, H Zhang, CY Wee, A Lee, JS Poh, YS Chong, KH Tan, P Gluckman, F Yap, M Fortier, A Rifkin-Graboi, A Qiu (2019). Maternal sensitivity predicts anterior hippocampal functional networks in early childhood. Brain Structure and Function, 224, 1885-1895. (中科院二区TOP

16) Q Wang, JS Poh, DJ Wen, BFP Broekan, YS Chong, F Yap, LP Shek, P Gluckman, M Fortier, A Qiu (2019). Functional and structural networks of lateral and medial orbitofrontal cortex as potential neural pathways for depression in childhood. Depression and anxiety, 36(4),365-374. (中科院一区TOP

17) Q Wang, C Chen, Y Cai, S Li, X Zhao, L Zheng, H Zhang, J Liu, C Chen, G Xue (2016). Dissociated neural substrates underlying impulsive choice and impulsive action. NeuroImage, 134, 540-549. (中科院一区TOP

18) Q Wang, S Luo, J Monterosso, J Zhang, X Fang, Q Dong, Q Xue (2014). Distributed value representation in the medial prefrontal cortex during intertemporal choices. The Journal of Neuroscience, 34(22), 7522-7530. (中科院一区TOP

19) Zhibing Xiao, Zhiyi Chen, Wanting Chen, Wei Gao, Li He, Qiang Wang, Xu Lei, Jiang Qiu, Tingyong Feng, Hong Chen, Ofir Turel, Antoine Bechara, Qinghua He*. (2022) Maladaptive Changes in Delay Discounting in Males during the Covid-19 Pandemic: The Predictive Role Of Functional Connectome.Cerebral Cortex, bhab505.

20) Han Zhang, Chong-Yaw Wee, Joann S Poh, Qiang Wang, Lynette P Shek, Yap-Seng Chong, Marielle V Fortier, Michael J Meaney, Birit FP Broekman, Anqi Qiu.(2019) Fronto-parietal numerical networks in relation with early numeracy in young children. Brain Structure and Function, 224 (1), 263-275.

21) Chong-Yaw Wee, Joann S Poh, Qiang Wang, Birit FP Broekman, Yap-Seng Chong, Kenneth Kwek, Lynette P Shek, Seang-Mei Saw, Peter D Gluckman, Marielle V Fortier, Michael J Meaney, Anqi Qiu.(2018) Behavioral heterogeneity in relation with brain functional networks in young children. Cerebral Cortex, 28(9), 3322–3331.

22) Ying Cai, Siyao Li, Jing Liu, Dawei Li, Zifang Feng, Qiang Wang, Chuansheng Chen, Gui Xue.(2016) The role of the frontal and parietal cortex in proactive and reactive inhibitory control: a transcranial direct current stimulation study. Journal of cognitive neuroscience, 28 (1), 177-186.

23) Haiyan Yang, Ying Cai, Qi Liu, Xiao Zhao, Qiang Wang, Chuansheng Chen, Gui Xue.(2015) Differential neural correlates underlie judgment of learning and subsequent memory performance. Frontiers in psychology, 6, 1699.

24) 朱海东,汪强*.主观价值计算与整合的神经机制及其影响因素.心理科学,2015,(5):1095-1102.

25) 汪强,张恩茂.降低决策冲动性的方法及其神经机制.心理科学进展.2015,23(1):101-109.

26) 付梅,汪强*.跨期决策的神经机制: 基于体素形态学和弥散张量成像研究的证据.心理科学进展.2014,22(4):659-667.

27) 汪强,宣宾,刘振会.时序知觉中词义和位置的Stroop效应.心理科学.2012,35(2):282-286.

